|   What to see

Places associated with the Borja lineage

Religious Architecture

Church of Santa María (Viana)

The remains of Cesare Borgia rest outside the temple.

Civil Architecture

Estense Castle (Ferrara)

Residence of Lucrezia Borgia and Alfonso d’Este and vital center of the Ferrara court.

Civil Architecture

Palau Ducal dels Borja (Gandia)

Residence of the Dukes of Gandia and birthplace of Saint Francisco de Borja.

Civil Architecture

Castel Nuovo (Nápoles)

Imposing fortress and royal residence, which preserves the magnificent triumphal arch commemorating the entrance of Alfonso the Magnanimous in Naples.

Religious Architecture

La Seo or Collegiate Church of Santa María (Xàtiva)

Its facade is dominated by statues of the two pontiffs who gave the city: Callixtus III and Alexander VI.

Civil Architecture

Castillo de Sant'Angelo (Roma)

Alexander VI, who undertook several reforms, used it as a prison and as a personal refuge.



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