Discover the characters and stories of their time

Protagonist of the saga

Alexander VI

His figure, reviled by history, is a fundamental part of the legend woven around the Borgia lineage.

Protagonist of the saga

Calixtus III

Alfonso de Borja begins the legacy of the dynasty by becoming Pope Calixtus III.

Protagonist of the saga

Cesare Borgia

Image of the Renaissance prince, praised by Machiavelli and reviled by history.

Protagonist of the saga

Lucrezia Borgia

Victim of tragedies associated with her father's political interests, she piously ended her life as Duchess of Ferrara.

Protagonist of the saga

Saint Francisco de Borja

His life of humility and the greatness he had renounced caused admiration at the time.

Protagonist of the saga

Maria Enriquez de Luna

Widow of Giovanni Borgia and grandmother of SaintFrancisco de Borgia. Admirable woman, who assumes the regency of the Duchy of Gandia with courage and efficiency.

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